Cynthia Machamer

Cynthia Machamer earned a B.A. in writing from Houghton College and has more than 15 years of experience writing in the nonprofit sector. She moved to Buffalo in 2005, and her happiest moments are spent with her two grown children and her niece.

Partner Content Eaglehawk list
Feature Story Dr. Glenna Bett and her team at Cytocybernetics.

Biotech spinoff is advancing the drug safety screening process

Feature Story Adrian Dayton is the founder of ClearView Social, a software company that offers a social marketing and sharing tool for lawyers, accountants, and others in professional industries.

A job layoff leads to entrepreneurial success for Adrian Dayton

Feature Story Breadhive interior list

The co-op way: stronger together

Feature Story The Lexington Coop provides the west side of Buffalo with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Growing good in the city